Wednesday 27 June 2012

Herramientas de Trabajo Colaborativo en la Uni 3 (Digital Readers)

Ahora, que me he declarado fan del libro electrónico y he decidido dejar el libro en papel sólo para las novelas de domingo, entre otras cosas, precisamente por amor a mis libros (porque me niego a abandonarlos cada vez que tengo que mudarme) me he dado cuenta de que la cantidad de lectores electrónicos es otra más para sumar a la lista de los agobios de los investigadores. Parece que con cada uno de los e-books que se compren o se descarguen en plataformas abiertas hay que bajar una interfaz diferente:

Tres para revisar que tengo en uso actualmente

(Casi ninguno de los usuarios que te siguen comparte nada, creo que la mayoría lo tienen para ver qué publican los otros, o bajarse textos, pero no como plataforma para circular sus trabajos). Interesante porque es sin costo, pero a mi forma de ver los usuarios de la academia no han respondido muy bien. Quiero pensar que es por falta de tiempo y no por egoísmo.

Adobe Reader
 (Es el lector oficial para formatos PDF). Permite tomar notas y seleccionar fragmentos de texto, así como crear estantes y organizar la información. Se pueden prestar, pero con funcionalidades limitadas.

Kindle Reader
(En dispositivo y para PC). Es un buen lector. Permite tomar notas. No permite seleccionar textos. No se puede compartir.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

This is not mine (but is important): PhD Thesis Writing

This is not mine but is really important for your thesis work:
Make it clear what is yours
Source: © 1996. Modified 2/11/06 Joe Wolfe /, phone 61- 2-9385 4954 (UT + 10, +11 Oct-Mar). School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

If you use a result, observation or generalisation that is not your own, you must usually state where in the scientific literature that result is reported. The only exceptions are cases where every researcher in the field already knows it: dynamics equations need not be followed by a citation of Newton, circuit analysis does not need a reference to Kirchoff. The importance of this practice in science is that it allows the reader to verify your starting position. Physics in particular is said to be a vertical science: results are built upon results which in turn are built upon results etc. Good referencing allows us to check the foundations of your additions to the structure of knowledge in the discipline, or at least to trace them back to a level which we judge to be reliable. Good referencing also tells the reader which parts of the thesis are descriptions of previous knowledge and which parts are your additions to that knowledge. In a thesis, written for the general reader who has little familiarity with the literature of the field, this should be especially clear. It may seem tempting to leave out a reference in the hope that a reader will think that a nice idea or an nice bit of analysis is yours. I advise against this gamble. The reader will probably think: "What a nice idea---I wonder if it's original?". The reader can probably find out via the net or the library.

If you are writing in the passive voice, you must be more careful about attribution than if you are writing in the active voice. "The sample was prepared by heating yttrium..." does not make it clear whether you did this or whether Acme Yttrium did it. "I prepared the sample..." is clear.