Saturday 28 November 2009

How to survive your PhD

I have found this link. It is a realistic vision that might be useful for everyone worry or stuck about how to start or to continue with their phd.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Address to Incoming Students, Across All Faculties

Things it would have been useful to have been told as a starting PhD student

If everyone likes your work, you can be certain that you haven’t done anything
important. Conflict goes with the territory -- that of changing how a profession
thinks and furthering what we know about our world. The pressures on PhD
students and young researchers are predominantly to conform, to fit it, to
accept fashionable ways of analyzing problems, and above all to please
senior professors and their own postgraduate peers. Unfortunately this is bad
for scientific progress. [This fact is perhaps the single most helpful thing I
have learned, and would pass on to any young researcher who wishes to
listen to advice, which I confess is very probably what I would not have done
when I happened to be in my twenties.]

The main difference between world-class researchers and sound researchers
is not intellect; it is energy, single-mindedness, more energy, and the ability to
withstand what will sometimes feel like never-ending disappointment,
tiredness and psychological pain. Tenacity is almost everything. [This is the
second key thing I have learned.]
Work on the assumption that your supervisor will contribute 1% of your PhD
and you will contribute 99%. Then you will probably only be slightly

Everyone is good at something, and poor at other things. Think that through a
bit about yourself. Try not to beat yourself up about the parts you are not so
great at. I know one ordinary, down-to-earth British man about my age who
initially was refused entry into university and became a lab technician
because could not pass French O level no matter how hard he tried. Things
turned out reasonably OK for him*. If necessary, you can team up eventually
in research with people with complementary skills.
Start writing journal articles, and submitting them to journals, as early as
possible. Do that while a PhD student.
Submit to the very best journals in the world, and accept the pain of rejection
letters. Keep on doing so.

Go to all the seminars you can, in all areas of your discipline. If you
concentrate narrowly at this age, after all, you have little chance of achieving
vision or a real education.

Aim for a balance between humility+open-mindnedness (80% perhaps) and
arrogance+sheer-self-belief (20%).

Try not to be dragged too much into whatever seems trendy this year. It
probably began 10 years ago in some research corridor on the other side of
the world and, at the absolute frontier, is already on its way out. The best
idea is to work on important, timeless, deep questions that most people have
not thought of or think are too hard. If people say to you “but nobody works
on Z”, then you may have a chance to be able to do something of lasting

Listen to your supervisor, although not necessarily down to every decimal
point. But -- this only applies in rare cases -- try not to be exploited by your

Do not send long emails to your supervisor, especially ones where you are
subconsciously releasing your frustrations or looking for a bit of therapy. Go
and see him or her. Every email I get with more than 2 paragraphs, from
anyone, I basically don’t read.

You have extraordinary intellectual talent. Try never to forget that, even when
tempted. Work on what you believe in; it will help sustain you.

Best of luck. Andrew Oswald Professor of Economics
* a few years ago he got the Nobel Price in Medicine and Physiology

Thanks to Professor Andrew Oswald
Warwick University PhD Induction Day: Address to Incoming Students, Across
All Faculties in October 2009

Divertido si eres estudiante de doctorado

Las 10 mentiras del estudiante de doctorado
Publicado el 4 Octubre 2006 por goran. 2 Comments Tags: doctorado, estudiante, harvard_crimson.

10. No me molesta lo más mínimo que mi antiguo compañero del colegio mayor esté ganando ahora 80.000$ al año

9. Estaré encantado de leer tu artículo/capítulo/libro para corregir los fallos

8. Acabaré en tres años, cuatro como mucho

7. Nunca pienso salir con una estudiante

6. Tu último artículo fue toda una inspiración

5. He rechazado un montón de buenas ofertas de trabajo para estar aquí

4. Sólo tengo que leer un libro más y empiezo a escribir

3. Mis perspectivas de trabajo son excelentes

2. El departamento me está dando mucho apoyo

1. No, en serio, estaré fuera de aquí en menos de dos años

Probablemente no te haga gracia si no estudias/estudiaste para un doctorado, pero desde luego, es como la vida misma.

tomado de: quien a su vez dice que lo ha sacado de The Harvard Crimson, el periódico editado por estudiantes de Harvard (just in case of any suspect of plagiarism!! :)

Sunday 8 November 2009

Apply to become a journalist at one of the world's top news organisations

From Times Online
October 29, 2009
Opportunities at The Times - the graduate trainee scheme
Apply to become a journalist at one of the world's top news organisations

The Times normally expects to take one or two trainees at the beginning of each September. Trainees are offered two-year contracts with the second year conditional on a satisfactory performance in the first.

The Times is looking for originality, intelligence and commitment. That commitment should be evident from experience in school, student or commercial journalism. We are looking for candidates with a love of newspapers who have ambitions to become writers and editors. Traineeships are open to new graduates and those who have completed post-graduate journalism courses. We welcome applicants with a degree in any subject and from all backgrounds.

If you do not have a formal training in shorthand, media law and other technical requirements, a course will be arranged by The Times during the first autumn. Trainees normally spend time as news reporters and after that spend a few months at a time in several other departments.

Salary c. £25,000

Applications Letter and CV plus cuttings of published work (e.g. articles for university magazines). Do not send more than five cuttings. CVs need not be more than two pages; briefest details of work experience will be enough. The number of applications always exceeds 200, so be aware that competition is fierce.

If you are interested, please write with a CV to the Managing Editor, David Chappell, The Times, 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1TT. Applications should arrive no later than the end of March 2010, the earlier in the new year, the better.